About Us

On this page, we invite you to get to know us. Dugout Debate provides step-by-step training manuals and guides. This material is designed to aid coaches, parents, and players to develop sound fundamentals and mechanics. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Neither were the skills of professional and college athletes. We search for and curate lists of the very best baseball and softball sports gear and equipment. Each selection must first pass through vigorous debate before being included on one of our lists. We update our pages once each season, so our readers always see the freshest selections.

Introducing the Top Shelf Media Family of Websites

Consume Mindfully

The Dugout Debate website is part of the Top Shelf Media network. Our mission is to encourage mindful consumption. We believe that if we can help each website visitor find the right information or product for their needs, it will result in less waste and a better life.

We are dedicated to building web pages with well-researched, thoughtful, and comprehensive content. We think by preserving our independence we will be better able to objectively recommend services and products to our readers.

Here’s some other principals we uphold:


An optimal user experience for our visitors is the foundation our websites are built on. With a focus on speed, we continually cut excess. The minimalist designs only load essential elements such as typography and images. This helps keep thing speedy on whichever device you choose to visit us on.

No Spam.

Everything from our newsletter, social media, to each individual web page have been designed to be — for lack of a better word — unannoying as possible. Ads do not feature audio or overly distracting video and each ad unit is clearly distinguishable from our content.


As you know, the world and technology are rapidly evolving — especially in the age of the internet. We do our best to keep our information fresh and relevant to our readers are always seeing the latest and greatest.

Readers First.

We strive to make each webpage reading experience enjoyable. When it comes to our curated product roundups and guides, we don’t want to push you one way or the other. In our top product lists and reviews, we present you with all the information. You take it from there and make the best choice for you.

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